Women In Neurosurgery – India – Vision Statement
Women neurosurgeons are becoming an increasingly influential presence within the neurosciences community. The Neurological Society of India (NSI) offers the platform to inspire and encourage women medical graduates to pursue specialization in neurosurgery.
With medical schools now seeing a higher proportion of female students, the NSI recognizes this as an opportune moment to inspire young women to join the neurosurgical field. While all trainees must pass rigorous screening processes to enter neurosurgery, women face unique challenges in balancing their biological and career timelines. This platform has been thoughtfully designed to address these challenges by facilitating mentorship and networking opportunities, allowing newer surgeons to learn from their more experienced colleagues.
The platform also enables collaboration with women neurosurgeons internationally through conference presentations and specialized women’s sessions that are now regular features at major medical conferences.
It is particularly encouraging to observe the steady increase in women entering neurosurgery in India, transforming what was historically a male-dominated specialty. The Women in Neurosurgery Forum continues its mission to inspire, encourage, and mentor new practitioners by leveraging the power of experience and professional networking.
Dr. Suchanda Bhattacharjee
Prof. & Head of Neurosurgery
Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences